bergfly - missives from the field

13 October 2005

On Taiwan

There are a few things I really like about Taiwan. After a whirlwind visit there last week I realized that in some ways I miss the place.

  • I miss the smell of 7-11.
  • I miss the clean bustle of the MRT.
  • I miss the long lazy taxi rides across town in the heat of summer
  • I miss the green bowl surrounding the city of Taipei (when you can see it)
  • I miss the computer market, definitely.
  • I miss the technology of the place, the ceaseless renewing of things.
  • I even miss some of the food. Not all of it, but moss burger I miss, and the instant street food.
After 4 years there I had had enough with everything about the place, but time and distance are good remedies and a return trip, short and eventful, was a lot more enjoyable than I expected it to be.


  • At 9:23 am , Blogger sydneythefly said...

    i am glad you miss taiwan cause i do badly....hehe the food...the food the food...and my family...dont; miss my cats there any more!!!


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