bergfly - missives from the field

24 October 2005

Frost pist

Well, in great Slashdot tradition, here is my first post on the "new" Linux install I have put on the laptop. Things are not going great yet again. It seems ridiculous that i can't get a linux distrubution up and running smoothly on the machine.

On the weekend i had the smart idea of getting Kubuntu to an actually useful state. So i set about doing what the help files told me too and the whole thing simply hung at a point where it was setting up gstreamer0.8-a52
After 30minutes of that I gave up and had to shut off the machine and go shopping. On reboot everything was broken. The machine had installed gnome, kind of.... yet had disabled the kdm window manager. All evil really as we could not achieve a graphical boot without some serious fiddling. So i grew tired of the whole thing and reformated it. This time I have installed native Ubuntu (instead of Kubuntu) and have then put in the Kuduntu desktop. I have been trying to make the thing mutlimedia useful and guess what....
It's hanging at the same point. I have given it an hour with no luck. now cannot change it and cannot kill it. Oh well, lets reboot and find out how much damage is done.


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