bergfly - missives from the field

29 December 2005


Ok here is the "office" at work. It is actually a workshop and we have everything inside here. This is a view of my truck parked in its normal place next to the dishes.

These are the feedhorns that we use. Tthey go in the front of the dish and send and receive the signal. The little thing on top is the LNB or receiver, and the bigger thing at the back is the BUC or the transmitter.

Here are some of the satellite dishes. These are 1.2m dishes, the standard ones we use here for internet. Further north you will need bigger dishes, of which we have a few outside.

This has been the day's work. We are sending a 1.8m dish of to Calgary so I had to protect it for transport. A bit of time with powertools and this is what we have.

Here is another shelf. Old TV satellite dishes on top, with enough cable to reach Edmonton below! Under that we have some small linksys routers and some connect modems, with old portable racks on the floor. Lots of electronic goodies!


  • At 5:52 am , Blogger sydneythefly said...

    Hey!! it'e me!!coming here to tell you happy new year!!!thank you for the whole year!!you are super!!
    I love the photos of your office!!So familiar!!!


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